Sock design for The Warmest Week 2021
An inclusive society and mental well-being must be central to society. That is why political party Groen is selling socks. “The entire proceeds will be doubled by the party and will go entirely to De Warmste Week 2021," says Meyrem Almaci, chair of Groen. The socks are produced in Flanders and made from sustainable materials and partly recycled fishing nets. Three designs were developed by Leticia Sere, Dimitri Sakeropolus and Joëlle Dubois. Each around a theme that fits with 'being able to be who you are'.
Letting go, accepting yourself and dare to be different, that is what being able to be who you are means to Joëlle Dubois, whose socks radiate the theme of body positivity. The socks will be sold from 1 December 2021 at Cost: 15 euros.